Rabu, 30 April 2014

Queen In Hyun's Man

Hello everybody. Comes with me again . XD

Today, I want to share another great drama (from my perception). And it's called Queen In Hyun's man. Woohoo! X3 

The storyline is likely same with Rooftop Prince. Yes it's involving the past and present time. And I love that kind of story.  
The difference is their plot and the way of  the character traveled to the present. 

In this drama, the lead role, Kim Bung Do (Ji Hyun Woo) was the one who did the time-travel. He got a talisman from a gisaeng (a woman whose job is to entertain the people) who loved him. The talisman had a power which enabled him to do the time-travel. He traveled to the present for the first time was when he was going to be killed by an assasin, named Ja Su. Kim Bung Do who had arrived at the present, saw things which he had never seen. 

At that time, he saw some people were rushing around, carrying the lighting stuff and cameras around. Some people were wearing weird clothes (for him) and some were wearing the minister clothes due to the drama shooting they were having at that time. Coincidentally, Choi Hee Jin (Yoo In Na) was a cast in that drama too. She also met Kim Bung Do there and thought that he was a cast too, without knowing that Kim Bung Do wasn't one. 

From that event, Kim Bung Do started to search what's wrong. Not long, he found out that the talisman had a magic which allowed him to go to the present everytime he almost died in the past. This thing brought him closer to Choi Hee Jin and became a lover finally. But, before they got the ending they wanted, there were so many troubles that they had to face. 

What I loved about this drama is the scene was so romantic between Kim Bun g Do and Choi Hee Jin. They were playing their role really well. I was crying hard at two last episodes due to the drama. It was so good yet a mental-breaking drama. That why I recommended this. It's not a regret for them who like to watch drama with romance genre. :D 

Now, as usual I'll give some spoiler pics.